Wow! My first blog page ever!
I apologize to any person who comes across this page within my first couple posts. I am, as the titles hints at, a "newbie to the max" at blogging. However, I find it enthralling so far, so I have a feeling that I am doing the right thing in creating a profile for myself.
As many people who are close to me in life know -- I am a major movie lover. Nothing sounds more enjoyable to me than sitting at home all day, watching movie after movie (with food and bathroom breaks, of course). And I'll watch any type of movie, may it be mystery, foreign, film noir, action, drama, comedy, romance, and so on and so forth. Everybody knows the Blockbuster category types for movies, so there is no need in repeating them. (Looking back on my list now, I see that I have forgotten Family *gasp*)
There was a reason for creating this blog, I cannot lie. I wish I could say that my creative juices were flowing one day, and I had this spontaneous urge to just share my witty ideas with the Internet viewers. However, that is not the case.
Very recently, at my college, DePaul University, I have begun to take a class that is formally called "Film/Video Analysis." Right off the bat, my teacher went through introductions, going around the room, asking about majors and favorite movies, etc. (By the way, does any student like doing this? It is so awkward! My hands shake right before I have to speak, and I never know why because it's not that scary saying what major I am and how much I love the movie Stand By Me). Anyway, she came to me and asked me what aspirations I have. Many of the kids before me said things like, "Screenwriter!" "Director!" "Cinematographer!" And I was thinking, "Uh, WOW, I"m definitely not cool enough for any of those jobs." So when she got to me, I smiled and said, "You know, I've always thought about being a movie critic."
It was like I could hear the "Wa wa waaaaa" sad music play though the room (I hope people know what I'm talking about when I say this). Her face fell, quite dramatically, and she said, attempting indifference, "People who want to be movie critics should go to graduate school and start a blog, otherwise...forget it."
Well, that's MY motivation!
My plan is, to anyone who cares, to analyze and critique a movie after viewing one in theaters or even on my roommate's Netflix! My personal way of casually critiquing a movie is to exclaim "Yaht!" or "Naht!" while walking out of the theater to my car. Don't worry; I will go more into my comments on the separate elements of the film so that people can begin to take me seriously on my quest to becoming a movie critic. Take that, Professor!
I will make this short, since I really do not have many interesting things to talk about. Once I start watching movies though, look OUT! The opinions will be flying! I cannot wait to begin, and I hope that many readers will choose to leave their own personal opinions and comments on what I have analyzed and noticed in the film.
Bon voyage!